29. September 2024
Ageing is increasingly being declared a pathology - anyone who carefully reads the symptoms of this new syndrome LANS (limbic-predominant amnestic neurodegenerative syndrome), which refers to people aged 75 and over (!), can hardly fail to notice that normal conditions of old age are being described here as a pathology - although one must at least want to think of other interpretations of ‘amnestic syndrome’ or hippocampal atrophy: If the self continues to dissolve in old age - which is a...

25. September 2024
Die Folien meines zweiten Beitrags auf der 24. EUROTAS Conference in Oxford über Demenz, die Auflösung des Ich und außergewöhnliche Bewusstseinserfahrungen (auf englisch) sind jetzt im englischen Bereich der Website hochgeladen. Dies war der mutigere Teil meiner Präsentation und ich bin ein bisschen "stolz" auf mich, dass ich in mehrfacher Hinsicht frei über die Erkenntnisse und die Erfahrungen, die mich dahin geführt haben, gesprochen habe. Dementia, the dissolution of the self and...

22. September 2024
This article was submitted to the Journal Action Research on 27th Aug 2024, following this call for papers: Call-for-papers-Inner-journey-and-mindset-shifts-of-transformation.pdf The publication was rejected on 17th Sept 2024. Even though it does not meet the journal's requirements, I still see it as a relevant contribution to a transformation of the mindsets of ageing in the context of the development of the collective consciousness and the evolutionary challenges of the present, so that I...

19. September 2024
At the 24th EUROTAS Conference in Oxford, I had the opportunity to give two presentations, one on ‘Transpersonal Gerontology - an old approach revisited’ and the second on ‘Dementia, the dissolution of the self and extraordinary experiences of consciousness’. Even though the presentations (always in groups of three or four) did not attract huge audiences due to the abundance of offers (up to 14 parallel sessions!), they did lead to some deep conversations, and with many others with whom...