Consciousness and Aging from a Transpersonal Perspective

Consciousness and Aging,

Dementia and Transcendence,

Involution and Evolution 


As a gerontologist these are my professional topics, 

as a scientist my research interests, 

as a human they contribute to my being.   

 The question "Who am I?" is probably one of the most important questions of human existence,

and from it or towards it lead the infinite questions that our everyday consciousness

asks itself throughout the day and spends a lot of energy trying to answer them all in a meaningful way.

A thing of impossibility, not only because of the distractions of our present time. 


And immediately the next questions arise:


"What is meaning?"

"What is meaningful in my life?"

"What am I here for?"


- existential questions that people have asked themselves at all times. 





All these questions take on their own significance in the process of growing older,

and they have to be evaluated differently in the face of increasing losses, a shortening perspective on life,

of illness and especially in the context of declining cognitive abilities. 


Without denying these often negatively connoted attributions to aging,

my perspective has changed from aging as a process of degeneration

to a perspective of aging as the completion of the human experience of existence.


And they take on a whole new meaning, 

when we are willing to transcend our personal existence, our I-being,

and acknowledge the vision and the insights of innumerable mystics and philosophers and many spiritual traditions

about the underlying experience of "I am", and thus about that which transcends our personal being,

as another truth of our lives. 

That is what I am here for, for these questions, for these conversations. 

This website is in a continuous process of growth and change, just as the human experience of existence is - so some pages only emerge over time, just as we can only gradually become consciously aware of some areas of our own consciousness, of the world or of the cosmos itself, and with each new insight, perspectives on different aspects of being also change, so that my texts will also change again and again. 


If you want to know who is behind this site, you can find more information about me under I am. You can find more about my basic gerontological perspectives under Transpersonal Gerontology. One of the most radical changes in my consciousness has been in relation to my previous professional focus, dementia, which may be of particular interest to those who know me from professional contexts in earlier years - I give a little insight into my thinking about dementia under "DementiaTranscendence." My thoughts on what we can do to allow aging to unfold its evolutionary potential can be found under "Conscious Aging." 


In the future you will find under "offers" the possibilities to be supported or advised by me, to book seminars and lectures by me, or to participate in online groups in particular to the question "How to be an Elder". The offers below are only a small first impression of the topics in which I accompany, teach or advise.

Talks about Dementia

An offer for all people who come into contact with dementia in their personal or professional life or who for other reasons want to reflect on the phenomenon of dementia also beyond a biomedical model of disease.

In particular, I offer accompaniment for people who observe cognitive changes in themselves or are in the early stages of a so-called dementia, and who want to consider the current state as well as the further path also from an integral, transpersonal and spiritual perspective. 

Talks about Ageing

Ageing consciously means discovering the potential for personal transformation in the various dimensions of ageing and realizing it in everyday life. This includes the confrontation with one's own mortality as well as the awareness of the transcendence of one's own existence. I am a conversation partner and process facilitator especially for people who are looking for orientation and alignment in her ageing process from an integral or transpersonal context. 

Talks about the I and the Nothingness

From my own transpersonal and beyond consciousness experiences I am a conversation partner for people who are looking for orientation in higher dimensions of consciousness or who are wondering how transpersonal state experiences can be integrated into their own lives. I am also available for conversations about the Nothingness with pleasure. 

 I am. 


The moment, where I come to rest in my being and marvel at this miracle of human existence.